
Friday, August 26, 2011

Salam Takziah Buat Rohayu Sohor...

Assalamualaikum & salam Ramadhan,

Allahyarham Suffian Hashim bersama isteri, Rohayu Sohor ketika majlis perkahwinan mereka tahun lepas

Pada saat kita hampir meraikan kemenangan berpuasa sepanjang bulan Ramadhan (kurang lebih lagi 4 hari..), warga Diploma Kewartawanan (DEL) IKIP dikejutkan dengan pemergian salah seorang bekas pelajar DEL, SUFFIAN HASHIM (2005-2007). Allahyarham Suffian telah kembali ke rahmatullah pada 26 Ramadhan 1432H bersamaan hari Jumaat.

Sekalung takziah dari kami warga DEL untuk isteri Allahyarham Suffian Hashim, Rohayu Sohor (yang juga bekas pelajar DEL) dan keluarga. Moga Rohayu dan ahli keluarga sabar dan redha dengan ketentuan Allah S.W.T. Kami mendoakan agar roh Allahyarham Suffian ditempatkan bersama golongan yang beriman. 

Berikut adalah sedikit petikan/pesanan dari Puan Norzimah Kasran (Pengarah Program, Sekolah Pengajian Diploma IKIP) melalui Facebooknya kepada warga DEL.

"Jenazah Allahyarham Suffian Hashim akan disemadikan di Kg Kuala Repas, Bentong, Pahang, InsyaAllah sebelum solat Jumaat. Alamat rumah isteri beliau, No. 32, Lrg Permai 31, Kg Kuala Repas, Bentong. Mohon sesiapa yang berdekatan untuk berziarah. Salam.."

Al-Fatihah buat Allahyarham Suffian Hashim... Moga Suffian tenang 'di sana'. Sesungguhnya kami amat merasai permergianmu...

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Knowing Us! :D

IKIP International College was established in 1992 and is fully owned by Yayasan Pahang. Our programs are accredited by Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA), and recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education for credit transfers at degree, masters and Ph.D level to our partner universities as well as other institutions of higher learning.

Besides running an internal programs, IKIP International College also running the franchise programs with internal and overseas universities to make sure the education opportunity in parallel with the Vision 2020.

Art, Design & Media

The field of Art, Design and Media is equally important as any engineering or business fields. Today's designers, artists and journalists are at the forefront of the development of Malaysian Art & Culture. Objectivity, creativity and attention to detail are the key components to a successful career in this field.

IKIP International College's Art, Design & Media programs have been closely developed together with our local partner universities to ensure all graduates are well versed in their chosen fields and able to communicate their ideas in the most creative way.

Faculty Strength

Learning technique focused on 60% of theory and 40% of practical.

Convocation ceremony and Diploma Awarded are fully handled by collaborated university.

Eligible to pursue Degree at collaborated university.

Qualify for credits exemptions from collaborated university.











Interested to join JOURNALISM @ IKIP?

IKIP International College,
Kampus Taman Gelora,
25050 Kuantan,
Pahang Darul Makmur.

Tel: 09-5678999
Fax: 09-5677999
Tol Free: 180088999